Wow auto track new quests
Wow auto track new quests

wow auto track new quests

  • GamePadMoveStick, GamePadCameraStick, GamePadCursorStick.
  • Variable Rate Shading not supported on this hardware.
  • Only used if lots of particles are on screen
  • vrsParticles - Render scale like effect for particles.
  • vrsWorldGeo - Render scale like effect for terrain, buildings and liquids.
  • Ray Tracing Support - DXR 1.0 / DXR 1.1.
  • RAIDshadowRt - Raid Raytraced shadows (0-2).
  • If you are above your desired framerate, everything will be shown.
  • Dynamic: Reduce non-essential spells shown based on framerate.
  • Most: Reduce non-essential spells shown by around 75%.
  • Half: Reduce non-essential spells shown by around 50%.
  • Some: Reduce non-essential spells shown by around 75%.
  • Essential: Only show essential spells.
  • If your framerate is below this number, dynamic systems will reduce graphics quality to attempt to hit this framerate.
  • Framerate you ideally want to play at.
  • Raytracing support could improve lighting in the game, while variable rate shading can improve performance by having the GPU render some less important areas on the screen at a lower quality, while still maintaining a higher quality image for areas that matter. LemonKing also pointed out some interesting new console strings. Two new Graphics Settings have been added: Target FPS and Spell Density.

    Wow auto track new quests